April marks a big month for BigCommerce as a leader in eCommerce. BigCommerce continues to grow it's already robust API making it a true headless commerce solution. What is headless commerce? Basically, BigCommerce has become one of the only "eCommerce platform for all sizes", as a CMS-agnostic headless checkout tool. In Q4 2018, BigCommerce began to decouple the once stand-alone platform’s presentation layer via a WordPress plugin, and now has moved into SiteCore and Aquia plugins. By decoupling the existing presentation layers and API, BigCommerce is more flexible than any eCommerce solution for businesses already entrenched in their CMS. In addition, they have added:
- Checkout API and SDK allows for fully customized checkout solutions
- Widgets API allows for fully customized site merchandising solutions
- Storefront API allows for fully customized personalization solutions
As BigCommerce moves more toward a micro-service architecture platform it still fully maintains PCI compliance, as well as out-of-the-box integrations with payment providers, email service providers, ERPs, OMS tools, PIMs, tax software, shipping solutions, and more.
For more information about the APIs for BigCommerce please visit their dev center here. Also check out the most recent changes to their API including the New Payments API. If you would like to schedule a call with the Fortuitas Team please contact us here.