
Turning adversity into opportunity

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Are you tired of talking about COVID-19? I think we all are, but it's times like these where we can turn adversity into opportunity. It's not always easy, but it's possible. 

Believe it or not, I view this period as a gift where there is something to be learned, something to be gained and as a way to grow as a human being. This is a time to be compassionate, caring and giving. The world is going crazy, and it's completely understandable. People are hurting right now, so I feel it's important for me to be a calming force and bring clarity and creativity to every situation.

Speaking of creativity, I now have a lot more time to be creative. This is the time for me to look at the long term vision vs. the short term problem. I've been investing some of my time finding new ways to bring our clients new alternatives, new value, and even reinvent what we do at Fortuitas and how we do it. I have a newfound excitement and focus, coming up with creative campaigns and new directions.

I've been having this feeling for some time now, even before the corona virus appeared in our lives: It's time to expand. This is a contrarian view, as it means swimming against the tides. And yet, I've decided to dive in and see what happens.

Whenever I get that feeling of uncertainty, I remember that nothing is ever what it appears to be and nothing stays the same for very long. While it's important to take the current situation seriously, I don't have to be so serious myself. I hope you all find a way to do the same. I wish you all good things during this most difficult time, and I trust you will find the hidden jewels that lie beneath the surface.

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